Basic Configure ASA to Access the Internet with ASDM

To sum things up, Cisco ASA is a security gadget that joins firewall, antivirus, interruption avoidance, and virtual private system (VPN) abilities. It gives proactive danger resistance that stops assaults before they spread through the system.
We can access to ASA with deference ways it can be SSH or by the GUI with software we call ASDM, today I gonna share to all of you about basic configuration with ASDM with the easy step by step how can you access the Internet Connection. You can the the Topology below and now let's access to the ASA. 

1. Go to the Configuration and go to the Interface that you access to WAN and give the IP Address to that Interface.
2.After you add the IP Address to your interface outside already , the most importance that device can access to outside is you need to go to configure the routing and NAT or PAT, so in this step take in to deep configuration with the routing, and now let's go configure the static rout.
go to Configuration -> Static Route -> Add 
And on the Interface you specify you WAN Interface, Network is any mean that any network will be route. and you specify the Gateway the ISP(Internet Service Provider ) Have been given to you. 
3.Go to Configure the PAT, 
Go to Configuration -> Firewall -> NAT Rules -> Add 
and give the Name that you want
Type Network
IP Address filled your LAN Network Address 
Netmask filled the Subnetmask in LAN
on NAT Option check it and on type you choose Dynamic PAT (...) Tranlated Addr : you WAN Interface. 
And done I am very hopeful that you have learn something in this article. Thank you so much and have a nice day with you Networking journey.
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