NMAP free tool for Network scanning and open port finding

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a network toll scanner that it was originally written by Gordon Lyon used to discover hosts and port services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network.

Nmap is my close tool that I ever use for scanning the information of the Network especially for the finding what port are close and what are open. There are two type of nmap it CLI which is we can use it with the command line interface, because I love to use linux so that why I also love to use the nmap with the CLI, but for those who not really familiar with Linux you still have a nice way with your tool. Because nmap also have for windows and it using the very nice user interface for all user. 

The other thing that make Nmap very popular for all the penetrator and some black guy because it is a free software so that every end user for those who are interest and want to try or using can use it with free of charge. I love something that is free and I do believe that most of the user also like it as well. To get farther information about the nmap you can go to the official website and you will find more detail Information, documentation and get the download link of the software as well. 

By going to the official website you can go to here.
Nmap Network  host and port Scanning tool

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