Join the Node to Domain Controller
In this article I would like to show one of the most importance part of install cluster in windows server 2012 R2, Here I will show you how to join the domain controller, in our previous article I show you how can you Install and configure the Active director and configure domain name system so after all of that are done we need to join our nodes to our domain controller.
Why we need to join our node to Domain Controller?
Base on my experience on installing and configuring the cluster configuration on windows servers there so much importance that some service need to managed by administrator account and the account is from domain controller. which is mean that both node need to use the same account that managed by our domain controller. For joining the node to Domain controller you can go to computer properties and go Change settings like below.
1 Go to System Property
Start -> right click on computer -> property
2 Change the Work-group to domain
Go to Change
3 Specify Domain controller
And on Domain you specify your domain and type your domain in the Domain texbox, for example of my domain was so I just type and then Click on OK button
4 Give the privilege user authentication
It will prom you to have an authentication with the Server in this part you need to have an administrative account so that you can authenticate and have enough permission to join domain. so here you type your administrator account of your Domain controller or any account that you assign to have enough permission to manage the cluster but to make sour that that account should to the same group of administrator group.
When you ave a correct input the domain controller user name and password you will receive the pop up like below , the domain controller will show you the welcome.
Click OK
5 Restart your System
In order to complete the update of the system and joining the domain controller it will require you to restart the node. so just follow it by click on Restart your node will restart
6 Change the domain Login
So after you're restart your node already it's to login to your node, this is the default and you need to click on the back and login in to to domain controller user and password
You need to specify the the domain and \ with the user name of the domain controller and in put the correct password that have set with secret that you have been set.
7 Checking Domain Lookup
After you have login already now you also can check with nslookup as well like the picture below.
In our course is like a very long way, and now you are just start with the way of you are working right now, so if you want to reach the destination you need to try you walk until you finish all the step, hope you see you there in next step.
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